Impacting Talents…
Impacting Talents are contained in the themes used to motivate others to action. Talents within these themes prompt a person to set a course for individuals and groups to follow then get them moving along that course. Those with Impacting talents stimulate others to be more productive, to reach for excellence and to fulfill personal potential. Impactors direct people toward their goals by helping them find the things they need to get there. Handing someone a book, for instance, wouldn’t be a simple act of sharing. Rather, the specific book would contain information that the impactor felt the person needed to improve a situation or herself or to provide necessary data or points of view. By filling such a requirement, the impactor can win over the other person. Impactors pay attention to people, although they don’t necessarily befriend them. Wherever they are, whatever they do, people with strength in Impacting themes make the most of it.
Command: Not surprisingly, those with a taste for Command tend to take charge – and they experience no discomfort with imposing their “I’m going to get you to act” attitude on others.
Competition: Competition is rooted in comparison. Those who compete are instinctively aware of the performance of others—but their own actions are their ultimate yardsticks. Reaching a goal without outperforming peers is a hollow victory. It’s always a thrill to face a risk with a specific reward in mind.
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