Q12 Engagement FAQ

Q12 FAQ's

Q12 stands for the 12 Questions defined by Gallup that determines

Measurement That Means Something:

  • Employees answer 12 simple questions, available in multiple languages, that tie directly to performance outcomes.
  • Scores are on a 1 to 5 scale, which clearly highlights strengths and opportunities.
  • Improvement efforts should focus on the essential elements of engagement, those measured by the Q12survey.

The Q12 is used simply as a means for employees’ voices to be heard as we prepare to train and coach managers. This is about improving the workplace and managers’ abilities to support their team, and allowing employees a place to be heard.

We are interested in allowing the results, good or bad, to enlighten the organization where upper management often has limited visibility.

Lumeris has hired Primrose Consulting to gather and analyze the Q12 survey to ensure confidentiality. The Lumeris Leadership team and Primrose Consulting require answers to the comment sections as this truly provides data for us to take action upon. We ask that when you make your comments, please do not reference topics that could allow your manager to identify you. We separate the comments and the numerical scores from each other and jumble the order so managers won’t see a pattern from any individual team member.

Your ratings and comments help us to truly improve our workplace, develop our manager capabilities and allow employees to be heard. Your candid feedback will shine light on areas where we can improve and we promise to take action on your feedback.

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