The Birkman

The Birkman is by far the most advanced, most complete and most reliable tool we use. It is also the biggest investment in understanding yourself, in developing your relationships, in creating a platform that all other coaching will stand on. We often begin with the other tools listed below so clients can understand our work but we invariably move them to the full Birkman. Learn More:


High Definition 360

This 360 is like none in which you have ever participated. Our High Definition 360 is based on a detailed internal job profile AND the Birkman profile of the individual being rated. We create the HD360 for each job description, we use the Birkman to understand what we are learning about the individual that is its focus and those who are answering the questions. This is not an instant solution, but if you want to really get to the answers, this is the way…Learn More

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